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ywha board of trustees
Board of Trustees
Emily Tennyson
Vice President
Deborah Savoie
Cynthia Holme
Assistant Treasurer
Tish Colett
Corresponding Secretary
Debra Partrich
Recording Secretary
Ginger Hrtanek
Assistant Recording Secretary
Kelly Mozena
Grants Co-Chairs
Betsy Huebner, Barbara Thomas
Marlene Bihlmeyer
Marianne Endicott
Maureen Hanawalt
Jan Hendrie
Leigh Ann Mills
Ann Nicholson
Elizabeth Ottaway
Beth Spina
Meredith Tomatore
Associate Trustees
Joanne Brandt
Marilyn Counen
Katie Domzalski
Susan Durant
Kathy Forster
Susan Heinen
Laura Huebner
Kitty Nau
Marianne Nelson
Arden Poole
Debby Smith
Marjorie Stapleton
Deborah Tischler
Ruth Zinn
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